Terror Attack at the Hebrew UniversityOn July 31, 2002 at lunch time, one of the painters (Muhammad Ouda, 29 of Silwan, East Jerusalem) who was working on our classrooms stopped for lunch break. He grabbed his bag and headed up to the school cafeteria. After placing his bag on top of a table, he left the cafeteria, dialed a phone number which made the cell phone in his bag ring. The cell phone was connected to an explosive charge which detonated and killed 9 people and wounded several others. I was sitting across the table from a friend when suddenly we saw the flash of light and felt the blast wave. The glass windows next to us were blown out and the tile ceiling above was destroyed. Fortunately we were not injured even though we were sitting only 25 or 30 feet from the bomb. Unfortunately for them, the students and teachers sitting between us and the bomb absorbed most of the shrapnel that was headed our way. The news media likes to count dead bodies, but the forgotten ones are those who survive, yet are injured for life - losing a hand, a foot, their eyes or some other body part that won't grow back. Their pain lasts a lifetime. The following pictures are from several hours after the bombing:
Personal account of being in this terror attack at the Hebrew University. The Frank Sinatra cafateria was rebuilt with funds from donors overseas. 4 Israelis and 5 Foreigners were killed. Approximately 81 people were wounded. 3 weeks later the terrorist was caught as were his cohorts. Hamas was the organization claiming responsibility. Israel does not have the death penalty. Hamas demanded the release of Abdullah Barghouti who prepared the explosives for this attack. More here.
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