Mark Haughwout web site

Web Design

Please visit the following websites that I have designed and manage:

Nitro Electric - local Flagstaff electrician

MSHpics - my photography portfolio site

Highwood Construction and Remodeling - serving Flagstaff

Arizona Stop - promoting the Idaho Stop in Arizona

The Ringleaders - a conservative angled Podcast

Guidlines for good website design:

  • Keep it simple.  Customers are looking for information, not for confusion.
  • Avoid Flash based sites for most purposes.  Most web surfers are looking for information, not pizzaz.
  • Easy Navigation - Let customers find what they are looking for quickly.
  • Accurate Keywording to help Search Engines.


Bible Scholarship Outdoors
Mark Haughwout
About Mark
Terror Attack Highwood Construction
  Hiking in Flagstaff    

This Website and all content Copyright 2024 Mark S. Haughwout all rights reserved - Contact